
With thunderous applause
With thunderous applause

with thunderous applause

An empire that changes their vote must wait at least four months before they can change it again.Ī Council Member can spend Influence to declare a queued Resolution to be an Emergency Measure, bumping it to the front of the queue and pulling the Senate out of recess to begin debate immediately. Empires can change their stance on a Resolution at any time before then, and can also abstain. When the timer is up, the side with the most Diplomatic Weight - either for or against the Resolution - wins the vote and the Resolution passes or fails accordingly. The Senate will only debate one Resolution at a time, usually over a period of four years before holding the final vote.

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By passing laws that favor your biggest contributors, you can increase your voting power for future Resolutions. Most Resolutions in the Galactic Community will cause these four factors to contribute more or less Diplomatic Weight. 0.4 percent of the base Research cost of all Technologies your empire has fully developed.Ground armies do not contribute Diplomatic Weight.2.5 percent of empire's total Fleet Power.This means Pops that don't use Happiness, such as hive mind species and robot drones, always contribute one point of Diplomatic Weight.

With thunderous applause plus#

Each sapient, non-Criminal Pop contributes Diplomatic Weight equal to twice their Happiness, plus one.3 per Dark Matter, Living Metal, and Zro Produced.1.5 per Exotic Gases, Rare Crystals, and Volatile Motes produced.0.15 per Food, Minerals, and Energy produced.

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